Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Skyping from Niagara in the News!

Our second pilot test of Skyping from Niagara Falls was recently written up by the Buffalo News's nature and science columnist, Gerry Rising. Here's the start of Gerry's story...

Nature Watch: High-tech teaching promotes study of geology

Two weeks ago, I went back to school. I spent an entire day attending Don Duggan-Haas’ nine classes. In a very small way, I even participated in the instruction. This was not, however, a usual classroom adventure. One of those eight classes was in Michigan, one in California, one in Washington state and five were in New Mexico.

Read the rest of the story here

Monday, November 12, 2012

Geotagging Photos in Picasa Web Albums

The short video below shows how to geotag photos within Picasa Web Albums. To see how to geotag within the Picasa Desktop Application, see what's on Google's Support Pages here or here.

The video below starts on the picture's page. In order for you to be able to see the "Add location" option, you need to be logged into your Google account, and the photo either needs to be in your own Web Album or it needs to be a photo that you've uploaded to someone else's Web Album after receiving an invitation from the album owner.