A Photosynth of the GSA Short Course while Frank Granshaw was discussing VFEs and geocognition.
Course Agenda With Presentation Links
Introductions of instructors and participants + Goals of VFEs – Don Duggan-Haas,* Frank Granshaw* & Richard Kissel*
- Click here for the introductory Prezi.
VFE in the secondary classroom – Sarah Miller, Deposit High School, Science; sarah@millerscience.com
VFEn design and geocognition – Frank Granshaw, Portland Community College, Portland, OR; fgransha@pdx.edu
Exploring the Great Japan Quake of 2011 with Google Earth – Steve Kluge, Resources for GeoScience Education; steve.kluge@gmail.com
Google Geo – Stefan Kuhne, Google, Geo Education Team; skuhne@google.com
- Stefan’s Presentation (pdf)
VFEs in NASA Education Programs – Wendy Taylor, Arizona State University, Mars Education Program; Wendy.L.Taylor@asu.edu & Phoebe Cohen pcohen@mit.edu
- Wendy & Phoebe’s Beta VFT (html)
Falls & Fossils: A Model Virtual Field Experience Focusing on Taughannock Falls State Park, NY – Richard Kissel, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY; rak256@cornell.edu
- Richard’s Presentation (ppt) (Large file: 85MB)
- The Virtual Fieldwork Database (html). The Taughannock Falls VFE was shared. Zoom into Central New York, and click to download the file.
The pedagogy of inquiry-based fieldwork – Eric Pyle, James Madison University, Geology & Environmental Science; pyleej@jmu.edu
Using Gigapixel Resolution Imagery for Exploration Across Scales – John Van Hoesen, Green Mountain College, Geology & Environmental Studies; vanhoesenj@greenmtn.edu
- John’s Presentation Website
VFE Development as Self-Documenting Professional Development – Don Duggan-Haas, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY; dad55@cornell.edu
- Don’s Prezi